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Kremlin Armoury

The Palace of Armour, located in the Kremlin, is the oldest and largest museum of decorative and applied art in the country. It presents a collection of rare treasures amassed by the Russian czars and princes over the centuries. There you can find armour, extravagant royal costumes, thrones, crowns and carriages 

This building, built between 1841 and 1851 by architect Konstantin Thon, was named after one of the oldest treasures in the Kremlin. Its collections contain countless precious objects amassed over the centuries in the treasures of the czars and sacristies of the patriarchs. In 1508, the palace of Armour was an arsenal founded to manufacture and store the weapons and defense accumulated over the centuries by the country. Beyond its impressive collection, this museum provides a complete overview of the history of Russia through different rulers and their eras. 

Nowadays, the Palace of the Armour is a rich museum in which are preserved the most beautiful treasures of the princes and czars accumulated during their reigns. Currently, nine of its rooms are open to the public. You will get to admire objects made of gold and silver made between the 12th and 17th centuries. Many things, including Ivan the Terrible's throne, the mythical crown of Monomachus, the ceremonial carriage of the empress Anne or the magnificent collection of Fabergé eggs. 

Come and discover the essentials and the must-see place of the Russian capital during your visit with an English-speaking guide!  

Location Kremlin Armoury on the map
Voyage Moscou - Palais des Armures
Palais des Armures
Palais des Armures, Kremlin de Moscou
Palais des Armures
Palais des Armures, Kremlin de Moscou
Palais des Armures
Palais des Armures, Kremlin de Moscou
Palais des Armures
Voyage Moscou - Palais des Armures
Palais des Armures

Kremlin Armoury through our programs

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